to my teacher.

to my teacher, who has taught me to be patient, who has shown me what unconditional love is, who has shown me the beauty of discovery, who finds joy in the little things, who seems to never stop discovering, forgetting, re-discovering and doing it all over again...daily, who gave me the opportunity to tap into the strength of my body and my mind, who has taught me to be patient (yes, i said it again,) who has proven to me that sometimes (most times) a kiss and an 'i love you' are all that you need in life, you are one of life's wonders. truly.

thank you for teaching me so much, minute to minute, year after year. three whole years in the best class of my life. thank you for letting me be your student.

and your mama.

happy, happy birthday, my sweet silas.

3 years of magic in the books, so many more to go.